Pre-election comparison on candidates' stance on the Environment and Protecting Public Lands

This is the last of the pre-election alerts put out by the Protecting Public Lands workgroup of EDP.  Our focus has been on the environment in general and public lands in particular.  We have shared both Jessica Morse’s and Tom McClintock’s stance on several issues in order to assist our members with their voting choices.

What we have learned is that Jessica Morse has made clear her ideas on protecting our forests, preserving our waters and keeping public lands public.  She feels that community involvement, regardless of political ideologies, is essential in this process and she has clearly shown during her campaign that she can listen to and include voices from both sides of the aisle.  

Tom McClintock, on the other hand, has consistently shown by his actions in Congress that he has little regard for the environment.  He votes regularly against preserving our cherished land.  According to the League of Conservation Voters he has a 4% record when voting on environmental issues.  He is rated #14 on the list of Public Enemies of the Environment by the Center for Biological Diversity.  He seldom holds town hall meetings, a practice most congresspeople use to hear their constituents' concerns and opinions.

Bottom line, McClintock seems to care more about his party than the people in his district.

We are blessed to live in a district with some of the most beautiful public lands in the country.  We deserve a congressperson who puts those lands ahead of his political party. We deserve someone who is willing to make decisions that enhance and preserve our lands rather than commercialize them.  We deserve a representative better than Tom McClintock.