Tom McClintock has a failing grade for his 10 years representing us in the US House of Representatives
In order to provide talking points for you to share with your family and friends, the Protecting Public Lands Workgroup will be sending out a series of informational alerts highlighting Tom McClintock’s dismal record on environmental issues.
Did you know that our representative to Congress from Congressional District 4 earned a score of 0% in 2017 for his voting record on environmental issues from the League for Conservation Voters? That’s right, he voted the wrong way every time in 2017 on bills affecting the environment. And his record hasn’t improved much so far in 2018. Mr. McClintock has voted for the environment on two out of 22 votes in 2018. In fact, his lifetime voting record in Congress is just 4% pro-environment.
Most of us who live in California’s Congressional District 4 treasure our natural environment. Don’t we deserve a representative who does the same?