Tom McClintock has a failing grade for his 10 years representing us in the US House of Representatives
In order to provide talking points for you to share with your family and friends, the Protecting Public Lands Workgroup will be sending out a series of informational alerts highlighting Tom McClintock’s dismal record on environmental issues.
September 9, 2018—This is the second set of talking points for you to share with your family and friends in the run-up to the November elections.
Have you seen a bald eagle lately? How about a peregrine falcon or an American alligator? If you have, thank the 45-year-old Endangered Species Act. The ESA is one of our nation’s most effective—and popular—conservation policies, bringing numerous species back from the brink, including national treasures like bald eagles. It is now under attack.
Our representative, Tom McClintock, is a member of the Congressional Western Caucus which has just released nine bills aimed at “modernizing” the ESA. He is the author of one bill (HR3608) and the co-sponsor of seven others. In general, these bills transfer excessive authority to state officials, undercut the science-based listing process that’s fundamental to the ESA, and impair citizens’ ability to enforce the law.
As usual Tom McClintock is in lockstep with the current administration in their effort to put greed ahead of preserving the environment. We need a new representative in Congress who appreciates the beauty and fragility of our county’s forests, grasslands and wildlife. In November, use your vote as a voice for the environment!